Red Sea DipX

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Red Sea DipX

DipX is a highly effective dip for safely introducing new corals and live rocks to your aquarium. A simple 15-minute bath in DipX before placing a new coral in the aquarium will drive away unwanted “hitchhikers”, thereby maintaining the safety of your reef. New corals often come with unwanted “hitchhikers” hidden deep inside the corals’ crevices. These various tiny creatures are usually invisible to the naked eye, and once in the aquarium, they can migrate to other corals and damage your delicate reef eco-system. Over the years, reef hobbyists have used generic baths solutions such as fresh water, Iodine, and even household disinfectants, all of which repel some of the hitchhikers, but not all of them. For the past few years, Red Sea have been cultivating tanks with infested corals and comparing a wide range of commercially available dips and other repelling ingredients, examining both their effectiveness and their overall safety for the corals. The result is DipX – a unique blend of essential oils, without inorganic disinfectants.


  • Safe for all kinds of corals: SPS, LPS and Soft corals, Zoanthids, mushroom anemones (Discosoma and Ricordea) and live rocks.
  • Effectively drives away Acropora eating flatworm, Montipora eating nudibranch, Acropora Red Bug and other coral “hitchhikers”.
  • Slows down RTN and STN (external bath only).
  • Free of inorganic elements such as potassium iodide or bromide.
  • Easy to use, reliable and cost-effective.

Why do corals have hitchhikers?

In nature, numerous species of tiny coral-associated invertebrates make their homes on corals and the reef rocks and are referred to collectively as “opportunistic dwellers”. The most common groups of these opportunistic dwellers include crustaceans, helminths (worms), echinoderms, nudibranchs, and snails. In most cases, the dweller benefits from the host without damaging it, and in others (such as Trapeziidae crabs in Acropora) both host and dweller benefit from the relationship. There are however, some dwellers that cause damage to their coral host by feeding on it. In their natural habitat, these opportunistic dwellers are relatively few in number due to the scarcity of nutrients as well as having natural predators. When corals are transferred from one environment to another, these opportunistic dwellers remain with their coral hosts, becoming incidental hitchhikers.


Red Sea DipX – Red Sea DipX – 100ml, Red Sea DipX – Red Sea DipX – 250ml, Red Sea DipX – Red Sea DipX – 500ml


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